Sacramento Running News

Running news and gossip from in and around Sacramento

Diamond League Track & Field–Scandinavia and the World’s Finest

August 28, 2011 By: John Blue Category: General Running News, Track

Coach George

By George Parrott, Special to SRN

In the Western U.S., we have only the Prefontaine Meet in Eugene in May that hosts any of the world’s top track and field athletes. The May date is too early for much in the way of top performances, but it is a chance to see what track and field might, and used to, be in this country.

In NYC, the Adidas Grand Prix is also part of the Diamond League schedule, and this year saw a sub 4-minute mile in the high school invitational race.

But in Europe, track and field, or “athletics” as it is termed there, is still a major sport. Appearance fees, performance incentives and end-of-season bonuses bring out the absolutely best the world has to offer in athletics for the Diamond League in the major European events on the 14 event overall schedule.


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